Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Telefon Tel Aviv-Fahrenheit Fair Enough

This is one of my favorite electronic albums of all time.  Highly recommended.  Along the lines of edIT/Tycho/The Album Leaf.



Friday, December 25, 2009


Merry Christmas Friends!  It's almost over but Peter and I wanted to wish you happy holidays and all that jazz.  Personally, this blog helps me out a lot and sharing music with people is something I love to do.  We also enjoy feedback, so leave us a comment or an email, tanks!


Animal Collective-Feels

If you have been paying attention at all to the blogosphere and altmusic review sites you are fully aware it was the year of Animal Collective and Merriweather Post Pavilion.  For me personally it took me awhile to catch on to the craze/hype/whatever you wanna call it.  One of their albums that I really think is overlooked is Feels.  I bought Feels when it came out by random cuz i was record shopping and the album cover really caught my eye.  I was maybe a sophomore in high school when I bought it and it both confused me/blew me away because I had never really heard anything like it before.  This is my personal favorite AnCo album.

Animal Collective-Feels




I reminisce the first moments of my personal revelation after seeing Girlfriends for the first time at a house show and saying to myself, "Holy shit, where did this come from?!".  I've seen Girlfriends play a handful of times and each time has been as memorable as the rest.  For example, I specifically remember Girlfriends playing a show at a barn party and at the party were some super stoked Juggalos super pumped off of Girlfriends tunes getting increasingly more excited/drunk/violent and slowly moving there way up close to the point where I thought they were going to tackle him in an appreciative Juggalo fashion.  Lulz.

The man behind Girlfriends, Jerry Joiner, is quite the guy. Extremely nice and polite, highly intelligent, and usually has a grin on his face.  A gentle guy that usually has something funny/amusing to say who's adored by all.  So when I first heard his music I was so surprised because it was such a kick in the ass.  In a fantastic kick in the ass sort of way and I'm not the only one who thinks so.  He's been ranked on the hype machine and has been featured in a few noteworthy blogs.

He has recently come out with a self titled release.


Here is a link to downlaod.

I highly recommend downloading this album.  I am expecting great things from Girlfriends and I will not be surprised when his music will blow up.


Joan of Arc - A Portable Model Of.. + Live in Chicago 1999

This is Joan of Arc's first full length, it's kind of hard to describe this album. It's definately evident in the music that this was an early Joan of Arc album, but that isn't a bad thing. It's like it's still holding on just a bit to the Cap'n Jazz punk rock vibe, but has a foot in the later Joan of Arc sound, which is calmer but edgier in the experintal sense. A good album to introduce you to the band.

Joan of Arc - "A Portable Model Of" 1997



This is not actually a live album, just a reference to the fact that all of the members were living in Chicago in 1999. This album sees Joan of Arc going for a mellowed out acoustic, groove based sound. It has it's rocking moments, and it has it's out their moments, but most consider it the best of Joan of Arc. Another good record to intrdocue you to the band.

Joan of Arc - "Live in Chicago 1999"



Thursday, December 24, 2009

Tim Kinsella - Crucifix Swastika

Tim Kinsella's (Cap'n Jazz, Owls, Joan of Arc, Make Believe, Sky Corvair) second solo effort, which was written on his honeymoon in 2005. Just some thoughtful, tasty acoustic guitar and voice by Tim.

Tim Kinsella - "Crucifix Swastika" 2005


Stars of the Lid - The Tired Sounds of

This album is wow. The most captivating ambient album i have ever heard. This makes top ten of all time for me. "The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid finds these guys fully harnessing the power of the studio, with striking results. Strings and horns are all over this record, and the richer palate gives the drones added weight and depth...the listener is meant to focus attention on the subtle build and decay inside these layered drones. Slight breaks in harmony between a violin and a shard of guitar feedback carry serious emotional weight. The half-second decay of a breathless French horn resonates like a perfect chord change. Silence becomes another instrument."

Stars of the Lid - "The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid (discs 1&2)" 2001


Squarepusher - Music is Rotted One Note

"The one-man drum'n'bass outfit Squarepusher (aka Tom Jenkinson) treads upon more unpredictable terrain on Music Is Rotted One Note. Although the album still contains elements of his usual drum'n'bass sound, this is by and large a jazz/fusion affair."

Squarepusher - "Music is Rotted One Note" 1998


Unwound - Repitition

Great post hardcore/noise rock band from Olympia Washington. "Repetition is without question the most sleek and mood-encompassing album Unwound has released throughout the breadth of their career. Much of the familiar style they established on New Plastic Ideas is here, boiled down into an even more dark and thundering form, with some of the edges sanded down into beautiful, smooth layers. Ideas focus into sharp points, at one moment falling into swelling rolls of condensed sound and the next climaxing with Justin Trosper's affecting shriek and relentless feedback."
For fans of Drive Like Jehu, Shellac, Polvo

Unwound - "Repition" 1996



Yo La Tengo - I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One

I have Zak to thank for getting me into these guys. I think he posted one of his favorite albums a while back, here is my personal favorite. Released in 1997, the style of music on this album is an eclectic blend of folk, rock, shoegazing, electronic, and what can be widely termed as experimental.

Yo La Tengo - I Can Hear the Heart Beating as One 1997


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Books-Thought For Food

Some of the stuff that The Books release are some of the most imaginative and original electronic music there is.  Labeling them though as electronic music is a disservice as their music is a wide array of obscure and clever samples thrown together with instruments to make very original music.  Thought For Food really portrays their talent for using any sound and compiling them together to make very convincing and pretty music.



Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Bloody Valentine - Loveless

Most of you SHOULD have this album, but i'm upping it for those few who have not yet been graced with the beautiful guitar atmosphere that is, Loveless. "Released on 4 November 1991, Loveless was recorded over a two-year period between 1989 and 1991 in nineteen recording studios. Lead vocalist and guitarist Kevin Shields dominated the recording process; he sought to achieve a particular sound for the record, making use of various techniques such as guitars strummed with a tremelo bar, sampled drum loops, and obscured vocals. Widely regarded as a landmark work of the shoegazing genre, the record has been cited as an influence to many artists, and by critics as one of the best albums of the 1990s."

My Bloody Valentine - Loveless


Stereolab - Peng!

"With its full-length debut Peng!, Stereolab continued to develop a unique approach to experimental pop music, building on the seriously playful mix of Krautrock, dream pop, and lounge forged on the band's early singles. While Peng! doesn't feature many of Stereolab's most instantly recognizable compositions, it defines the group's early style and reflects the eclectic directions pursued in later work. "

Stereolab - Peng!


Dirty Three - She Has No Strings Apollo

Man, I just finally got this and I think it has replaced Horse Stories, and Ocean Songs for my favorite Dirty Three record, or it is at least their most beautiful. The first and second tracks suck you in with their lush atmospheres and transitions, really seeming to exist as one track but split into two. Although this 17 minute greeter is the highlight of the album (for me at least) the rest of the album does not fall short. Best listened to in a calm setting.

Dirty Three - She Has No Strings Apollo


Storm & Stress - Storm & Stress

Comprised of Ian Williams (my favorite musician and guitarist for math rock pioneers, Don Caballero) Eric Emm (bassist for several Don Cab albums) and Kevin Shea (free jazz drummer), this was a side project of Don Caballero that began in 1994, but didn't really take off until about '96. Ian on Guitar and Vocals(i know right) Eric Emm - bass, Kevin Shea - Drums. This record requires the listener to be completely focused, have an open mind, and be totally high on pot. Guaranteed you've never heard and will never hear music like this, it transcends experimental, ambient, free jazz, math rock, or any other genre. The best description I can come up with is Avant Garde. They don't follow any sort of meter or time signature, so some may be quick to categorize it as free jazz but it really isn't. Don't get tripped up about the lack of a beat and just let the patterns emerge, it's really quite beautiful.

Storm & Stress - Storm & Stress


Saturday, December 12, 2009

Big Spider's Back-Warped

Along the lines of Benoit Pioulard and Panda Bear, very good stuff.


OOIOO-Gold and Green

All female Japanese noise rock 


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Yndi Halda-Enjoy Eternal Bliss

Go take a night time drive now that it is winter and bump this and you'll most likely lose your mind.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fugazi - Repeater

Fugazi's first full length album, excluding 13 songs. By this time Guy Piciotto was playing guitar as well as singing. For many Fugazi heads, this is the album. Two months after it's release it had sold 200,000 copies, which is pretty fucking incredible considering it was released on an independent label. It was after this release that major labels started giving fugazi heavy offers, but of course they declined, not giving into temptation to stand by their DIY ethics. Not quite as experimental as their later stuff, but pretty experimental for 1990. This album is the epitome of good rock.

Fugazi - Repeater



Polvo - Todays Active Lifestyles

From Wikipedia: "Polvo is an American indie noise rock band of the 1990s from Chapel Hill, North Carolina...Their sound was defined by complex and dissonant guitar harmonies and driving rhythm, complementing cryptic, often surrealist lyrics."
These guys were so ahead of their time, this unique sound really belongs in the modern scene where experimentation is the norm, but they made this album in 1993! I don't know what's been drawing me to 90's music so much lately but it really was a great decade for underground music!

Polvo - Todays Active Lifestyles
